
Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I don't think I normally have trouble sleeping but I just might be used to an anxious script singing me to sleep. I recently learned about doing a "body scan" through a meditation app I'm using and it's been helping me on those nights where my brain is freaking out.

e.g. Last night, I was worried that my partner had recycled a glass bottle I found and put in the dish strainer while drying. I could not let this thought go. Don't worry, the bottle is still around!

So, I employed the body scan in the way that I remembered how to do it. I just start thinking about every individual part of my body. My toes feel cold. My feet feel comfortable in these socks. My legs feel heavy. I just examine each part until my clutter thoughts disappear and I'm fast asleep. It's a bit like counting sheep which I've used to distract my busy mind in the past. It doesn't really matter what adjectives you use but the point is to move on and just examine each part until suddenly you're asleep.

In the instances where this hasn't worked, I usually get up and read a book on the couch. I've found reading on my phone keeps me up even with a blue filter on because there is an infinite amount of information out there to read and I never relax.

What helps you fall asleep on those anxious nights?

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